1-on-1 Coaching

A new way to live and lead is available

A lifetime of conditioning has determined how you show up each day. Your patterns shape how you encounter the world and create a lens through which you see it. For some of us, this lens is unknown; subtly and subconsciously impacting the choices we make.

Yet for those willing to look inward and do the work, another option is available: a more expansive way lead your life. 

Owning and being at ease with your full self. Those who are truly at ease with themselves know who they are and what they bring to the table. They are aware of their triggers and the impact they have on those around them. They make choices that are conscious and deliberate, especially in moments of high stress. They can bring their full self to work and drive forward with remarkable resolve and ambition, but from a place of peace, as opposed to a fear of not being enough. They can be present and fortified to what emerges, both internally and externally.

They leave behind old stories and limiting mindsets to truly become who they are. 

As an accomplished leader your patterns have got you to the place you are today. They have served you well. And yet by opening the door to the possibility that those patterns may be holding you back from an even richer and more compelling future, you’ve already begun the work.

This is the work of an individual Redwood coaching journey.

The Redwood Journey

What to Expect

A Typical Coaching Engagement

Months in length
Hours of total coaching time
Hour every 3 weeks

Over the course of the engagement, your coach creates a safe and fully confidential environment for you to explore your goals and ambitions, your values and beliefs, and your fears and inner critics. As an unbiased and deeply caring outsider, your coach will give you the feedback nobody else wants to give you, help you identify blind spots, become a deeply trusted ally, and push you to take action that stretches you into thrilling new places. 

Reach out to a member of the Redwood team to explore if this journey is right for you.

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