Team OFfsites & Retreats

Before a team can lead an organization, its leaders need to lead themselves

The work of team transformation starts with the individual. When leaders are given the opportunity to turn the lens on themselves and ask honest, sometimes inconvenient questions, the ultimate result is a high performing team.

This is collective work. Doing this work together as a team weaves a web of deep trust. And with this new foundation of trust, remarkable shifts happen. We believe that though your team is made up of passionate, brilliant leaders, in our experience, too often they are held back by guarded, overly polite, or defensive behaviour. 

A Redwood team journey creates the space to have the conversations your team would otherwise not have. It puts emotional literacy at the center of the story, and allows leaders to collectively create a deliberate culture of connection, collaboration and openness.

The Roadmap

Our work with clients are extended engagements. More than a series of offsites, they are a deliberate and carefully calibrated team journey. Focused, collective time together is just one, albeit important, component of the experience. 

The path forward depends on the desired outcomes of each client, but having done this many times, there are a series of elements and gates that consistently define a effective team journey.

Diagnostic interviews to understand current state and system dynamics: Interviews with all team members; Summarize findings in gallery / synthesis; Understand individual and business challenges.

Customized design: Synthesis of interview findings and presentation of representative themes; Bespoke design of Forum 1 and Forum 2 based on diagnostics.

2-day, in-person session, including upfront alignment and debrief with team leader. Review Diagnostic & current state of the team. Design Team Charter Individual behavioural commitments. Catalytic Life Moments: Sharing personal stories. Create vs reactive stances.

Field period: Light touch follow up with each team member to assess Forum 1 impact and gain input for Forum 2. Individual 30-min check-ins w/ each member of the team.

2-day, in-person session, including upfront alignment and debrief with team leader; Share and drive the individual learning; Work on collective shifts; Bond more closely as a team.

The Outcomes of A Redwood Team Journey

Your New Way of Working

Real Connection

A culture of transparency and trust doesn’t only happen because you want it to. By building a safe space for open, honest conversations and making this culture a priority, you’re creating the room needed for real connection.

Emotional Maturity

We are emotional animals, but to the detriment of effective leadership, we’ve been taught to hold those emotions back. Now, your leaders will have the means to notice what they are feeling and the ability share it.

Collective Commitments

You’ll develop a Team Charter that identifies the current and target behaviours of the group– a ‘from and to’. This will lay out a new way of working and affirm what each individual can expect, demand and enjoy as a part of the team.

Interdependance & Collaboration

You’ll gain alignment on the most pressing priorities facing the business and a specific plan to address them. There will be support and curiosity of each other’s day-to-day responsibilities towards meeting those challenges.

Extreme Ownership

When the team’s safety increases and fear subsides, leaders take ownership of their role in creating the current state of the team, and in shaping it into the one they want.

Creative Solutions

Instead of reaching out to a colleague only transactionally when they need something, now it to connect, share and ask questions. The web this weaves results in creative solutions to your most pressing, and challenging business problems.

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